We are thrilled to offer this series of 60 minute community conversations based on The Cedarsong Way. They are free and open to anyone who would like to join in.
These conversations take place every Tuesday afternoon/evening at 4:30 pm Pacific Time, 6:30 pm Central Time, 7:30 Eastern time.
Date |
Host |
Topic |
April 30 |
Nicole Corbo 🌿 |
Cultivating Restorative Community Practices: i.e. no one gets “in trouble” |
May 7 |
Lori Whipple |
allowing space for authentic imagination play |
May 14 |
Nicole Marie |
Multi-age dynamics in Outdoor Programming |
May 21 |
Lauren Roddick-Brown |
Executive Director Circle : Dare to Lead |
May 28 |
Emily Bryce |
June 4 |
Nicole Corbo 🌿 |
Finding the “Yes!” to Support Curiosity |
June 11 |
Barbara Sheridan |
June 18 |
Lauren Roddick-Brown |
Executive Director Circle : Dare to Lead |
June 25 |
Nicole Majewski |
What if we don’t have a forest? |
July 9 |
Open Call |
July 16 |
Lauren Roddick-Brown |
Executive Director Circle : Dare to Lead |
July 23 |
Barbara Sheridan |
July 30 |
Alyssa Venable |
Eeeeek!Bothered by Bugs – what to do with fears of insects (and other fears can be addressed too), how do we share space |
August 6 |
Lauren Roddick-Brown |
Executive Director Circle : Inservice, training, handbooks, onboarding new staff and families |
August 13 |
Rhonda Pollock |
Planning for the new school year |
August 20 |
Nicole Corbo 🌿 |
Nurturing Connection with Families: |
We will use the same Zoom link for all calls.
The Cedarsong Way is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: Welcome!
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Meeting ID: 275 036 1510
Passcode: 87431302
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kee4MNS0Z4
All of the calls will follow the same 60 minute format:
1. Check-in and tech issues/norms:
* Participants are welcome to join late or leave early as needed to fit their schedule. We welcome all efforts to connect with community.
* We may experience internet connectivity issues. If so, please just hang in there, internet usually resolves itself. Should the call get disconnected, stay on the line and the host will simply call back in.
* People have different capacities with Zoom as well as varying internet capability. We will practice patience and radical inclusivity with all participants.
* Please limit use of “chat” function. This function tends to distract the facilitator, and we want to hear from everyone – if you want to share, please share with the group!
* Please raise hand to speak. We will use the “move forward, move back” paradigm. This means if you’re someone who tends to not speak a lot, please move up into a role of speaking more. If you tend to speak a lot, please move up into a role of listening more.
* If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please type your name and email into chat directed to Cedarsong Way.
* These conversations are meant to be collective “hive mind” offerings to build community connections. They are not classes or lessons. Please speak from your own direct experience and wear your hat of community member rather than teacher.
* Please be aware of the number of people on the call and the 60 minutes we have scheduled and gauge your responses and input accordingly.
2. Brief introductions simply to include your name, where you are calling from – please let us know the indigenous land you are on. If you don’t yet know it, that’s no problem, now is a great time for you to look into for next time! – the pronouns you use, (let’s not use the term “preferred”) and this simple prompt question to be answered in 1 – 3 words: “What aspect of the natural world is most present for you today – perhaps a bush in front of your house, a tea you are drinking, a new bird at your feeder….”
3. Conversation host frames conversation
4. Community responds – Think of the conversation like a “picnic” in the grass; it’s a flowing conversation with the intention to connect and build community around
5. Closing