Bogs Application

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please list your Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or other social media presence.
If so, please cut and paste it here. If not, why not?
What will the funds be used for?(Required)
These funds are intended to support children of color that otherwise would not have access to Outdoor Education programs. We at The Cedarsong Way recognize that there are many avenues to realizing that mission. Scholarship funds may be used for direct scholarship opportunities for both student and teachers, as well as for opportunities and events centered around building connections and visibility of Outdoor Education programs in BIPOC communities. The funds may also be used for providing educational opportunities to teachers and program directors to increase their own awareness and capacity in racial equity and inclusion. Please let us know what you intend to use the funds for. The next box will ask you for a detailed description of how you will use the funds and how much you are asking for.
Please provide a detailed description of how you will use the funds, including the total amount requested, and a concise break-down of expenses. Grant requests will only be considered if each amount of funding requested has a corresponding exact (or near exact) cost. General requests will not be considered. For scholarship funds, you must give us the exact number - what is the cost of tuition, how many students will be receiving scholarships, and do you already have a means of distribution of scholarships.
As a recipient of funds from this grant, you must be willing to post photos or stories to your social media and websites showing the kids wearing Bogs apparel. Are you willing to do this if you are awarded funds?
If so, please let us know how many pairs, what size and style and whether they should be insulated or non-insulated.